So my 2nd Fair Trade Friday was super fun! If you have never heard of Fair Trade Friday you can read more about it here! This was one of their high end boxes! Here's what was in it!
This bag was the first item in my box. It is handmade in Costa Rica by Mercy Covers. Mercy Covers is an outreach of the St. Bryce Missions that provides skills training, personal finance management, education, discipleship, and meaningful work for women in rural Costa Rica.
The next item was this gorgeous clutch from Korah, Ethiopia by Carry 117. Carry 117 selects carefully the women who are a part of this organization. Women that are affected by HIV, leprosy or some sort of sickness (because they are out casted from society due to the stigmas) and women that are supporting three or more family members would be given first priority in the program. Carry 117 means several things for them. First, it is named after Isaiah 1:17 “Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.” Secondly, “carry” refers to moving/carrying these women from where they currently are to a more sustainable position where they can support their families through the fruit of their labor. Their prayer is through this ministry; they would also grow to become more like Jesus, in hopes of winning all of Korah to Jesus.
This beautiful ruffle apron is from an organization called No. 41. You can read about it here from the Fair Trade Friday blog. Or you can watch this video. I think the video tells it best.
The next item was this beautiful necklace. It is from Ecaudor! We were just in Ecuador so it has special meaning! Plus we have missionary friends who will be living in Ecuador very soon! You can find out more about them here. Anyway, this beautiful necklace was hand carved from a Tagua seed. You can find them at Yobel Market. Yobel Market exists to empower and promote the value of exploited, displaced and impoverished people groups of the world through the development of sustainable economic opportunities and fostering of education. Yobel conducts business trainings, contributes to product development, and expands global marketplaces utilizing fair trade principles while partnering with organizations committed to ethical and sustainable production processes.
Last, was this cuff bracelet with one of my favorite verses on it! Micah 6:8! It is from Back to Africa. In 2008 Heart of the Bride started a business development project called Back to Africa whereby hand-made jewelry was purchased from Africa and shipped back to the United States to sell in various venues. Their partners lived in extreme poverty before they began creating Back to Africa Jewelry. Today, thanks to the purchasers of their products, these same people are now able to consistently feed and clothe their children, send them to school, purchase other resources like farm animals and help their family and neighbors who are not as fortunate. As of December 2012, their artisans reported that the project is benefitting over 400 people. They have seen firsthand how a small paper bead or simple ceramic pendant can profoundly impact a community halfway around the world. Currently they have partnerships in Kenya to produce the BTA products available in this store and for home shows. In the near future they hope to expand their efforts to include Zambia and increase their partnerships in Kenya.
I think I've mentioned it, but I LOVE FAIR TRADE FRIDAY! Want to join in the fun with me? GO check them out! Thanks for loving mercy with and helping to empower women all over the world!
In His Love,