Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Saying Yes Changed Everything

We were in the front of a little church in Nsongwe Village praying for women during a women's conference. All of a sudden, one of my friends grabbed me, honestly I thought she was coming in for a hug, but she wasn't. She held me tight and whispered in my ear, "Your yes matters." She went on to say that because of my yes others would come to know Jesus and work on their faith. I was startled to say the least. How could she have known I had just been reading that very same phrase in Rhinestone Jesus? We weren't even Facebook friends yet! After that I just balled like a baby. I love how Jesus works. When you say yes to Jesus, He just trickles into every aspect of your life.

Saying yes to Jesus changed everything for me. When I said yes my life was in shambles. My husband was on his way to prison. I was a new wife, a new mom, and newly living with my mom. This was not exactly how I pictured my life going down. I remember kneeling at the end of my bed after putting my baby girl to sleep. I just laid it all out for God and the mess I was in. I asked Him to come into my life and everything changed.

Read more at We Are That Family!

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