Friday, December 5, 2014

Fair Trade Friday: Box #3

Oh man, the first Friday of the month is one of my very favorite days. Like for real. It all has to do with Fair Trade Friday. It's a beautiful thing. Helping to empower women all over the world. The thing I love most is that my six year old looks forward to it too. She loves opening all the "presents". Together we read about all of the items in our box. Then sit down and research about where they are from. I love that time with her. You can also read about my first two Fair Trade Friday boxes here and here. So without further adieu...

This bag is from Friends of Mercy in Kenya. This fair trade reusable gift bag provides meals for one day. 

Next was a window wallet that was made in Rajpur, India by JOYN.  I love that the name of all the people who worked on this are right their on the tag! At the heart of JOYN lies a desire to see lives changed. To see those crippled by poverty and hardship dance for joy. To do this, JOYN has partnered with a nonprofit called JoyCorps to provide employees with not only steady jobs and a good work environment, but a daily meal plan, education for their children, English and vocational training, and medical care. Lives are changing as a result. JOYN continues to sell beautiful products handmade by artisans who do 100 percent of the work, from weaving to block printing to stitching. This brings JOY to those who make the products, and JOY to those who buy them.

The prayer bracelet and the hand crocheted fingerless gloves are from the Refugee Project in Houston, Texas. The United Nations has relocated more than 50,000 refugees to Houston, Texas, due to religious and ethnic persecution. The Refugee Project exists to empower refugee women by teaching them skills and product creation.

Kendall loves to be a part of it...

The next item was a beaded bracelet from Kenya by Global Crafts. Their mission is to offer income-generating opportunities to craftspeople in developing countries by following fair trade practices including paying in advance at least the market price for items, ensuring that craftspeople receive payment, and ensuring that the craftspeople work in fair working conditions. They work directly with artisans, craftspeople, and producer groups to achieve these goals and hopefully help improve the lives of some of the people with whom we share this planet.

The last item was our favorite! It's a Christmas ornament made out of paper beads from Nicaragua. It was made by the Bead Amigas. The Bead Amigas empower Nicaraguan women to create a better future for their families through art, education, and entrepreneurship. 100% of net proceeds from sales of these recycled paper beads are returned to their village in fair wages, training, and community development projects. They believe that the mutual exchange between women of different cultures, classes, and countries working for a common cause can change the world. 

Kendall already put ours on the tree! 

In one package we got items from Kenya, India, Nicaragua, and refugees from Burma, Bhutan, Nepal, and Thailand in Texas. I especially love getting to pray for each of the women who made these. It's an easy way to love and support women in other countries. You can join in on the fun here! Today there is no wait list! 

Thanks for loving mercy with me! 

In His Love, 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Saying Yes Changed Everything

We were in the front of a little church in Nsongwe Village praying for women during a women's conference. All of a sudden, one of my friends grabbed me, honestly I thought she was coming in for a hug, but she wasn't. She held me tight and whispered in my ear, "Your yes matters." She went on to say that because of my yes others would come to know Jesus and work on their faith. I was startled to say the least. How could she have known I had just been reading that very same phrase in Rhinestone Jesus? We weren't even Facebook friends yet! After that I just balled like a baby. I love how Jesus works. When you say yes to Jesus, He just trickles into every aspect of your life.

Saying yes to Jesus changed everything for me. When I said yes my life was in shambles. My husband was on his way to prison. I was a new wife, a new mom, and newly living with my mom. This was not exactly how I pictured my life going down. I remember kneeling at the end of my bed after putting my baby girl to sleep. I just laid it all out for God and the mess I was in. I asked Him to come into my life and everything changed.

Read more at We Are That Family!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Fair Trade Friday: Box #2

So my 2nd Fair Trade Friday was super fun!  If you have never heard of Fair Trade Friday you can read more about it here! This was one of their high end boxes! Here's what was in it!

This bag was the first item in my box. It is handmade in Costa Rica by Mercy CoversMercy Covers is an outreach of the St. Bryce Missions that provides skills training, personal finance management, education, discipleship, and meaningful work for women in rural Costa Rica.

The next item was this gorgeous clutch from Korah, Ethiopia by Carry 117. Carry 117 selects carefully the women who are a part of this organization. Women that are affected by HIV, leprosy or some sort of sickness (because they are out casted from society due to the stigmas) and women that are supporting three or more family members would be given first priority in the program. Carry 117 means several things for them. First, it is named after Isaiah 1:17 “Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.” Secondly, “carry” refers to moving/carrying these women from where they currently are to a more sustainable position where they can support their families through the fruit of their labor. Their prayer is through this ministry; they would also grow to become more like Jesus, in hopes of winning all of Korah to Jesus.

This beautiful ruffle apron is from an organization called No. 41. You can read about it here from the Fair Trade Friday blog. Or you can watch this video. I think the video tells it best. 

The next item was this beautiful necklace. It is from Ecaudor! We were just in Ecuador so it has special meaning! Plus we have missionary friends who will be living in Ecuador very soon! You can find out more about them here. Anyway, this beautiful necklace was hand carved from a Tagua seed. You can find them at Yobel Market. Yobel Market exists to empower and promote the value of exploited, displaced and impoverished people groups of the world through the development of sustainable economic opportunities and fostering of education. Yobel conducts business trainings, contributes to product development, and expands global marketplaces utilizing fair trade principles while partnering with organizations committed to ethical and sustainable production processes. 

Last, was this cuff bracelet with one of my favorite verses on it! Micah 6:8! It is from Back to Africa.  In 2008 Heart of the Bride started a business development project called Back to Africa whereby hand-made jewelry was purchased from Africa and shipped back to the United States to sell in various venues. Their partners lived in extreme poverty before they began creating Back to Africa Jewelry. Today, thanks to the purchasers of their products, these same people are now able to consistently feed and clothe their children, send them to school, purchase other resources like farm animals and help their family and neighbors who are not as fortunate. As of December 2012, their artisans reported that the project is benefitting over 400 people. They have seen firsthand how a small paper bead or simple ceramic pendant can profoundly impact a community halfway around the world. Currently they have partnerships in Kenya to produce the BTA products available in this store and for home shows. In the near future they hope to expand their efforts to include Zambia and increase their partnerships in Kenya.

I think I've mentioned it, but I LOVE FAIR TRADE FRIDAY! Want to join in the fun with me? GO check them out! Thanks for loving mercy with and helping to empower women all over the world! 

In His Love, 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Fair Trade Friday: Box #1

So, if you've been reading my blog you already know that I love Mercy House Kenya! Did you know that there is a new ministry of Mercy House Kenya? It's called Fair Trade Friday!

Why does Fair Trade Friday exist? "Fair Trade Friday exists as an avenue for women to empower women.  We are tackling poverty through job opportunity and empowerment rather than enablement. 100% of the proceeds support the artisans, more than 300 women and their children from all over the world."

So, what's Fair Trade Friday? "FTF is a monthly membership club that delivers a box of 3-4 high quality items to your door by the first Friday of the month. The items in the box are fairly traded and provide employment to women all over the world. 100% of the proceeds from each box goes to the empowerment of impoverished women. Plus, they are really cute!"

Why does fair trade matter? "It ensures club products were made by artisans in fair working conditions who were being paid a fair wage. Basically, no child gave up his education, home and family to labor in a sweat shop so that your calves can be toasty in a pair of trendy boot cuffs. You can give gifts of handcrafted jewelry and unique home decor with a clear conscience. People say it’s the thought behind the gift that counts most. In this case, we’ve done some of that thinking for you."

I've been to other countries where women are a step above the livestock. I have a passion to see women know their worth and value in Christ. Fair Trade Friday helps women around the world work and earn an income to care for their families. This way they get to keep their dignity.
I love that FTF exists for women to empower other women around the world. 

So I ordered a box and then tried to wait- patiently. 

And then this happened. 

In every box there are 3-4 unique fair trade items, a one-of-a-kind handmade bag, and product cards with information about each of the fair trade items and the artisans who made them. 

This bag was the first item in my box. It is handmade in Costa Rica by Mercy CoversMercy Covers is an outreach of the St. Bryce Missions that provides skills training, personal finance management, education, discipleship, and meaningful work for women in rural Costa Rica.

Next was a fabric keychain that was made in Rajpur, India by JOYN. At the heart of JOYN lies a desire to see lives changed. To see those crippled by poverty and hardship dance for joy. To do this, JOYN has partnered with a nonprofit called JoyCorps to provide employees with not only steady jobs and a good work environment, but a daily meal plan, education for their children, English and vocational training, and medical care. Lives are changing as a result. JOYN continues to sell beautiful products handmade by artisans who do 100 percent of the work, from weaving to block printing to stitching. This brings JOY to those who make the products, and JOY to those who buy them.

Then, kid's boot cuffs made by the Refugee Project in Houston, Texas. The United Nations has relocated more than 50,000 refugees to Houston, Texas, due to religious and ethnic persecution. The Refugee Project exists to empower refugee women by teaching them skills and product creation.

My favorite item are these earrings made in Nairobi, Kenya by the Jacaranda WorkshopThe Jacaranda Workshop was started in 1982 to provide training and employment to mentally handicapped adults graduating from the Jacaranda Special School. To date, the workshop has successfully managed to train and employ over 60 ex-jacaranda school graduates and assisted them to improve their self-esteem. The workshop seeks to provide employment to those who may find it difficult to find employment elsewhere.

Last, but not least was this burlap bag by Mission Ethiopia. I love that this bag is lined with black satin. Korah, the city garbage dump just outside Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is home to more than 120,000 people living in poverty, many with HIV/AIDS, leprosy, TB and other diseases. Mission Ethiopia, Embracing Hope for Ethiopia, and Carry 117 are a few of the many outreach efforts that were established to empower residents of this community, freeing them from a life of begging and scavenging the trash for items to sell.

I loved all the items in my box! I especially loved that the items represented women on three different continents! One box held items from Costa Rica, India, refugees from Burma, Bhutan, Nepal, and Thailand in Texas, Kenya, and Ethiopia! 

Each item reminds me to pray for the artist who created it! Would you pray with me?

Visit the Fair Trade Friday website above for more information on getting your own FTF box! Can't wait to see what you get! Another reason to love Friday! Thanks for loving mercy with me!

In His Love, 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Luke 10:8

In our family we've always made it a rule that when we're in other people's homes or in other countries that we follow the Luke 10:8 rule. 

"Whenever you enter a town and they receive you, eat what is set before you." Luke 10:8

Since we often get asked what the weirdest thing we've eaten is I'll share some with you! I can honestly tell you that sometimes it feels more like we're on an episode of fear factor. That's simply because I'm not an overly adventurous eater. Eating different foods is way out of my comfort zone. But ya know, when in Rome... If you have a weak stomach you can go ahead and stop scrolling down now. You may have enjoyed a nice meal- you don't want to ruin that. 

So in Africa there were some fine delicacies. I'll show you a few of them. Again, perhaps not for the faint of stomach. 

This is crocodile bites. They were one of our favorites! We grew up in Florida so we've eaten gator before. Crocodile tastes like gator.  Imagine that! 

Maheu is a popular traditional drink made from maize meal that is fermented. Once fermented it has distinct sour flavor. Our friends made maheu fresh for us that day. It tastes like sweetened corn milk with chunks. So you had to drink and chew it. 

Friends, this is hippo. Yes. We ate hippo. Actually, it was the filet of the hippo. It tasted a lot like beef only chewier. It's not pictured but we also ate impala. Good stuff. 

This is dried fish. Normally, when you find them at the market they are covered in flies. You bring them home and put them in water to "revive" them and cook.

Rocks. Think of them like an African vitamin. 

Guess what? Yup, they taste like dirt. 

Dried mopane worms.

Cooking mopane worms. Enough said.

 Friends, meet kapenta. It's an African sardine. Pretty much all you need to know.

There was only one "different" delicacy in Ecuador. You're more likely to find them in a pet store in North America. Can you guess? 

Did you guess guinea pig?

You were correct!

They asked me to help roast them. Remember that whole "when in Rome thing"? Yeah that.

Roast guinea pig.

Tastes a lot like a mix of chicken and fish. One guinea pig is a week worth of wages. 

Obviously, we've eaten some different foods. In other countries and cultures you can offend easily by not eating their food. Even if it isn't your intention. When we go on a trip the goal is always to share the Gospel. To do this we use words and actions. Nothing is more important than that. Eating their food is an easy way to love them even if you don't enjoy it. 

Is there anything you wouldn't do for the Gospel?

In His Love, 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pumpkin Patchin'

Last week we made our annual visits to the pumpkin patches. Kendall loves picking out and playing with all the pumpkins!

Daddy and Kendall picked a pumpkin to carve.

The only difference this year is that Daddy got to be home to actually carve it. This is new for us! Daddy works really hard to provide for our family! In the past he worked 3 jobs and went to school. While we were in Africa God told Joe he needed to be home more and now he is! We are loving have him home more! Especially in times like these! 

Here's what they came up with! Kendall of course loves it! She can't wait every night to light it! 

Hope your fall is going well! 

Happy Fall y'all!

The Hennis Family

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Shelfie: Let's All Be Brave: Living Life with Everything You Have by Annie Downs

Book Description: Annie Downs admits she's not exactly the bravest girl in the world. She still cries sometimes when she leaves her parents' home in Georgia, she's never jumped out of a plane, and she only rides roller coasters to impress boys. But Annie knows that courage resides inside each and every one of us, and she's on a mission to triumph over her own fears while encouraging readers to do the same.
As a single young woman, writer, speaker, and popular blogger, Annie shares this journey toward bravery with honesty and humor. Using wonderful stories from her own life, contemporary real-life examples, and fascinating historical and biblical references, Annie encourages readers to grab hold of the brave life that they desperately desire.
Let's All Be Brave is more than just a book, it's a battle cry. In it, Annie challenges us to live boldly, calls us to step into those places that require courage, and gives us the help to take the next step forward-even when it's scary. This non-fiction, essay-driven book opens the door to many different views of courage-nudging, encouraging, and inspiring readers to be brave whenever given the chance.

Book Review: I knew I was going to love this book when on the first page Annie makes these statements, "Some people live for an adrenaline rush. I live for a sugar rush. " That's what I'm talking about! In her book, Annie encourages Christians to be brave in their walk with God. While being brave in your life other people can be brave in their lives. Don't do someone else's brave thing do the brave thing that God is calling you to do. Do the thing that God's calling you to that makes your stomach drop, and that your scared to tell your family and friends about. 

I loved reading this book. Annie writes like she talks and it makes you feel like you're having a coffee date rather than reading her book. After doing the bravest thing I thought I had ever done (move to Africa with my family for three months), her book encouraged me to continue doing brave things. I loved that she used biblical stories of bravery to reinforce her points. I also love that she writes with wit. 

I recommend this book to anyone who feels like they're not brave. Or to someone who feels like they are- you'll be encouraged to continue. It was a fun, encouraging, and easy read!

*BookLook Bloggers provided me with a complimentary copy of this book.The opinions are my own.*

Saturday, October 25, 2014


So now that we've been home for a week. We want to share some pictures of Ecuador with you. The pictures won't do the people or the place true justice. Ecuador is beautiful and the people we met matched that beauty inside and out. 

Beautiful right? We know that we're not supposed to be full time on the field until Joe's done with school. The call to go never leaves us though. So until then, we say yes whenever He tells us to. There's other places that God has whispered on our hearts to go to. For now, it's Ecuador. In 2015, our family will be going to Ecuador TWICE! We are so excited for what God will do while we're there again!

Will you pray for us? Pray for the people we'll meet and pour into, that their hearts are open to what we share with them, and that most of all they see Jesus! Pray for us that our focus is on Jesus and we rely on the Holy Spirit. Thanks for joining us in our next adventure with God!

In His Love, 
The Hennis Family