Ordinary- or·di·nar·y (adjective) With no special or distinctive features; normal. (noun) What is commonplace or standard. (synonyms) Common, usual, regular, normal, habitual, customary.
I've always heard people use the word ordinary. It's a funny word without much expectation. People use it a lot with their testimony of coming to Christ. "Oh, my story is so ordinary."
My husband has a "shocking" testimony. He came into this world 3 months early and all of 2.8 lbs. No one thought he would make it the first day let alone the first week. He did though. Growing up he played sports. He lived in a small town where everyone knows everyone. Was dragged to church on Sunday's or paid to go. In high school he played football and was on the wrestling team. He did really well in wrestling. He even made it into Sports Illustrated, got a scholarship upstate, and was fifth on the Olympic ladder. During his time in college he got heavily involved in drugs. Cocaine was the drug of choice. His addiction haunted him his whole life. When he was 25 his whole world collapsed in on him. We were freshly married with a 1 month old. He was on drug offender probation, working full time, and nursing a habit. We went to church every Sunday. "Pew potatoes", we went but never heard what was being preached. For sure we weren't living it out! He came home after a night out of using and I had my bags packed. I was done. After I left, he sat on the floor for the second time in his life and tried to commit suicide. Joe was Baker Acted and an ambulance came to bring him to the hospital so he could be put on suicide watch. During the drive the paramedic started to talking to Joe. Asked him what was going on. Joe told him. At the end of their talk Joe told the driver that he wanted to know Christ he just didn't know how to do it. The paramedic pulled over the ambulance jumped into the back with him and my husband prayed to receive Christ right then. Everything was different about Joe after that. The way he walked and talked. Everything. Since then Joe has felt the call to ministry and was ordained as a pastor. He is in seminary and loves sharing the Gospel wherever he is. I don't say that to boast of Joe. Only what God has done in Joe.
I don't think that any of our individual stories are more or less amazing to God. We are in awe of other people's stories, but not God. To Him they have to all be beautiful stories stitched together and laced with grace. From a parent's perspective, as our Heavenly Father, they must all be amazing. Especially knowing our hearts and all of our thoughts. Each one of our testimonies He uses for His glory. The weak moments, times we've had to peel our brokenness up off the floor, tears, joys, fears, pain-- it isn't for nothing. Share your story of His glory, even when you think it's ordinary. There is someone who can relate!
In His Love,
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