Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Dilemma

This year is Kendall's first year of kindergarten. We had decided years ago that we would homeschool our daughter. I love teaching and we love having her with us. A few weeks ago we found out that one of our friends would have her own kindergarten classroom this year! We were so excited for her and contemplated sending Kendall to school. We decided we would just pray about it and see how God led us.

We weighed our options:

Sending her to school-

  • Great teacher
  • Shots 
  • Physical
  • Supplies
  • New friends
  • Pulling her out early to go to Africa.
  • Joe would not get to see a lot of her.

Keeping her home-

  • Great teacher ;)
  • Ordering homeschool materials can be costly.
  • We started homeschooling last year already and have some of her curriculum.
  • Working with her one on one.
  • Having a flexible schedule.
  • Having a closet stocked with supplies she may need.
  • We can homeschool in Africa.

In the end it wasn't about whether we thought one was better than the other. We wanted God to lead and have the best one that would work for our family. Obviously, Joe barely seeing her would not work, and we really didn't feel good about her not being able to finish the year there. So we're keeping her home! Yesterday was our first "official" day of school. Monday we took a field trip to Universal! One of the blessings of homeschooling!

“What is most important and valuable about the home as a base for children's growth into the world is not that it is a better school than the schools, but that it isn't a school at all.” - John Holt

Hope you are having a great week! 

In His Love, 


  1. I'm so glad you're homeschooling. Love her picture.

    1. We are too! We really love it! Even though some days feel like they go on, and on, and on... :) Love you Robin!
