Friday, March 22, 2013

H54F and a Coffee Date

My 5 favorite "highs" of this week! 

1. Last Saturday my girl and I played all day outside. It was warm and lovely! 

2. St Patrick's Day! Sooo good! My in-love's had us over for lunch!

3. My bitsy girl wanted to have a "party" with me so she set it all up. :)

4. Family pizza night at our favorite pizza place! 

5. Yesterday, we got to have a family day! It was a blast!  The weather was perfect!


If  we were having coffee...

or chai tea in my case. ;o)

If we were having coffee I would tell you that recently life has been a little crazy!
That my amazing husband is gearing up for a mission trip to Africa. That I am super excited for him
and terribly nervous!

I would tell you that I can't believe Easter is almost here! We have plans coming together for Easter at church and for Palm Sunday. That. it. is. crazy. busy! But, that we have an amazing friends who are helping us. I would also mention how much I love children's ministry! Way more fun then any other ministy! In my opinion. :)

We are also gearing up for VBS and it is going to be so fun! That I am glad God chose my husband for me. I am a slacker but my man is so organized. Things are moving along and we are so excited!!!

I would tell you that my husband got A's on his mid-terms! We have been studying the past couple weeks! Now, he has papers to write. He will disappear for the rest of the week!

Okay! Now it is your turn! What's been going on with you?

Have a blessed weekend!

In His Love,

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